Monday, April 15, 2013

Love these kids!

  First day of work was exciting. One of the momma goats recently had two babies and I got to hold both of them. They don't have names yet, but they do have an unbelievable amount of cuteness for such small creatures. I could barely stand it. However, I was not able to hang out and  hold them all day, because I was supposed to be working!

My new boss with a new goat

  A naughty goat tried to eat my work glove out of my back pocket at the end of the day. Perhaps goats enjoy smelly old gloves?
  In between loving goats, I did a little greenhouse transplanting and then we went out to the field. We put up the deer fence and baited it with peanut butter and apples wrapped in foil. Clearly, deer have excellent taste in snacks.
  Then we took all the straw mulch off the strawberries so they could benefit from the April sun. Looking forward to tomorrow...

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