Sunday, April 21, 2013

Building up the Woodpile

That's a lot of wood!
Men doing manly things

          On Saturday, we drove west to visit Aunt Jean, Uncle Jeff, my cousins and their partners/husbands. We were there to help Uncle Jeff build up his woodpile, since he recently had and unfortunate encounter with the wood splitter and is now unable to use his left hand (not that he didn't try to sneak some help in with his one good arm). There was some debate over who was qualified to stack wood, and also some critique of the pile of various stackers. I stayed out of it. Sharon and I had the "we're from the city" excuse to not stack, and focused on filling up the bed of the pickup truck and unloading it, assembly-line-style.
  We thought Sharon's phone ate some very good pictures of how impressive the woodpile was, and is. But here they are!
The assembly line
  Vinnie was the center of attention for two very big, lovable dogs, Max and MacTavish. We think that he must have looked like a squirming play toy for them. So a good time was had by humans and dogs alike.

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