Thursday, April 25, 2013

Kampala's kids

Note the interesting ear
  Kampala had her kids in the middle of last night, and all went well. The littlest one is black and scrawny, and he has a flopped down ear which is possibly due to the fact that he was a little stuck coming out. Maybe it will straighten up in time? He is not very adept at nursing yet and makes the cutest attempts to get his mom's teat in his little mouth. And yes, kids do get milk mustaches!
I think I remember the milk being down this way
Kampala and her daughter
  This little runt has two larger sisters, and they have all explored the grass and napped on each other. The highlight of my day was transporting Kampala, her three kids, and another mature goat whose name I don't remember, from their fenced spot in Elizabeth's backyard to the farm, where they could be with all the others. They all rode in the back seat of Elizabeth's car, and I'm sure we were a sight to see driving down Dutton Farm Road. I had to keep feeding the ladies grain so they wouldn't jump in the front seat. But we got them to the large goat pen just fine, and everyone went out to graze for the day. We checked on the little ones periodically, to make sure they were doing ok in their new world.
  We planted onion starts today, and also spent some time working the soil in the high tunnel.  But that's not as exciting as kids!
The kids' first exciting day