Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello, Vermont

  Pheewww, we're finally here!
Sunset sunning himself
 Arrived Saturday night, after a near miss with debris on the George Washington Bridge and hours of howling cats. We are settling in nicely. My lovely aunties and manly uncles helped us unload the U-Haul on Sunday.
  Sunset Rodeo has claimed the perch by the glass doors with a view of the river, and Grady has finally stopped hissing at me. Vinnie is loving the woods.
  As for me and the wife, several things have stood out about our new home state:
  • Vermonters are very nice. 
  • The dollar store here is super clean and well-stocked.
  • Sharon does not like well water and septic systems. She misses Baltimore city water.
  • You can walk a pet goat in town and no one tries to stop you.
    Grady relaxing

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