Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hello from Steamy Vermont

Hi everyone,
  We moved here because we thought it didn't get hot in the summer. It's June 1st and we have had 2 days in a row of over 90 degree weather. OMG. What are July and August going to be like?

  I am walking around without my crutches! I tried putting weight on my leg last Sunday and by Monday I had given up on them entirely. My arms and shoulders thank me.

  Today Terri drove her first riding mower. She looked like a pro. I took pictures of her from our deck.


  We also decided after dinner that we had to get out of the apartment. We found a soft serve ice cream place that has become our new favorite guilty pleasure.  We like to go there because it's only about 15 minutes away and is next to a horse farm. We pull over in the lot under some nice trees and watch the horses graze.

  We wish we could get pictures of all the townspeople in the West River by our covered bridge. Dogs, children and adults go in with their clothes on! Well, some do. Some are properly attired and the dogs aren't wearing anything. It seems we live by the local swimming hole. Fun!

  In 18 days I can trade my boot for a small removable ankle brace. I wear that for 2 weeks and then I should be good to go.

  I have already told Terri we are tackling Black Mountain as soon as possible. Pictures to follow soon, Sharon

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