Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Harvest

   So this was the day that made last week's cold and wind and rain worthwhile. The sun was shining, coats were off, and we were harvesting for our first member pick-up. Asparagus has been coming up for a few weeks, and we've been eating lots of it at home. The members received a bunch of asparagus...


...bok choy...

...White Icicle radishes...

  ...Chinese cabbage...

and the most beautiful baby salad greens mix (no pic because it didn't look that festive all packed in a plastic bag). The wife and I had stir-fry for dinner, with bok choy and Chinese cabbage, and we felt very healthy. Then we drove to the River Bend Market for soft-serve ice cream (part of a food group, so also healthy) before a meeting.
  My belly was happy.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sharon takes a spill

  Early Tuesday morning around 1 a.m., I got up to go to the bathroom. I must not have been fully awake because I found myself dropping to the floor. Terri woke up and I said to her, "I think I broke my ankle!" I have never broken a bone before. I've had plenty of stitches but no breaks.
  We waited a bit to see if I was correct in my thought that it was broke. She put me back in bed with plans to go to the hospital in the morning. The next day, I couldn't put any pressure on my foot so she called 911. Two of the nicest medics came to my aid. They put my leg in a pressure cast. The cast formed around my ankle and leg, full of air, and it took a lot of the pain away as they took me to the ambulance. The morphine did a much better job when I got to the hospital.
  After some X-rays the doctor came in and told me I broke my fibula. I asked where it was broken and he said, "Where it hurts!" I didn't find that funny at the time. But I felt better about my situation when the orthopedic doctor came to see me after visiting a patient who had broken ribs 3 through 9. I received a splint that would come off on Friday, once the swelling went down. Then I would get a cast or a boot.
  Terri and I found one patient in particular rather interesting. She was in the bed next  to me, and had come in to be treated for "double pneumonia." The doctor wanted to know if she had quit smoking yet.
  She very proudly said, "YES!"
  He asked how long ago.
  "3 weeks, maybe 4...almost a month!"
   The doctor said, "Come see me in a year and we'll talk."
My Herman Munster foot

  Friday morning we went to Dr. Thatcher's office and received good news. The break was stable enough that I could be fitted with a boot instead of a traditional cast. It's now Sunday and my leg and ankle still hurt all the time. I am looking forward to the swelling going down so I can put a sock on my foot. The prognosis is very good.
  I have to wear the boot for about 4 weeks, then wear an ankle brace for a few more weeks. I am getting used to my new crutches and am doing pretty well.
  This is where I have to tell the whole world what an exceptional person I was lucky enough to marry. If it was not for her, I don't know where I would be. She gets me up in the morning and puts me in the living room for the day. She makes sure I have snacks and Ginger Ale. My phone and the computer are charged and within reach. And she puts me to bed every night, all of this without any complaints. She is the best woman in the world.
  This has been a year of firsts for me. We moved out of state; I picked up pneumonia, broke my leg and rode in an ambulance, all for the first time of my life. Don't think all this is lost on me. Plus it's my birthday on the 21st, I will be 45.
  I want to end on this. I really am ok. The doctor said it was a clean fracture and I didn't need surgery. For that I am grateful.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunday with Lois and Bill

  Yesterday we traveled to East Dorset to celebrate Pioneer Day, a gathering that shows gratitude to Lois Wilson for her part in founding the Al-Anon program. It started with a graveside service, where members could speak their gratitude and place a flower on her stone. 
She's buried right next to Bill, about a mile or so from the Wilson House. (It is worth noting here that Bill, always the alcoholic, had two gravestones! The grass was worn away in front of his stone, and it was interesting to see and imagine all the people who had stood there.)


  Then we had a potluck lunch and a meeting. The meeting room at the Wilson House was very large, and all around the room were license plates with AA slogans and recovery sayings. Apparently EZDUZIT is popular!

The weather was beautiful and we drove home feeling quite grateful and serene. It should also be noted here that Sharon went to all this with pneumonia. She said, "I'm not going to miss this!"

The view from Lois and Bill's stones

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I have a mountain size cold

I have a cold. It's my first one in about a year. Of course when I move from Maryland up to Vermont I get sick. Anyway Vinnie has turned into a country dog, really.

We are about a half mile from the house and he can't get enough of the water. When we first got him we took him to Loch Raven. He wouldn't go anywhere near the water. He was not interested in going into the water. Maybe the water is cleaner up here.?

river edge up the street from our house
Vinnie and Sunset by the door

First time in the river

This water is cold

I wasn't going to fall in
