Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunday with Lois and Bill

  Yesterday we traveled to East Dorset to celebrate Pioneer Day, a gathering that shows gratitude to Lois Wilson for her part in founding the Al-Anon program. It started with a graveside service, where members could speak their gratitude and place a flower on her stone. 
She's buried right next to Bill, about a mile or so from the Wilson House. (It is worth noting here that Bill, always the alcoholic, had two gravestones! The grass was worn away in front of his stone, and it was interesting to see and imagine all the people who had stood there.)


  Then we had a potluck lunch and a meeting. The meeting room at the Wilson House was very large, and all around the room were license plates with AA slogans and recovery sayings. Apparently EZDUZIT is popular!

The weather was beautiful and we drove home feeling quite grateful and serene. It should also be noted here that Sharon went to all this with pneumonia. She said, "I'm not going to miss this!"

The view from Lois and Bill's stones


  1. Wow! And the Wilson house is on Mad Tom Road? How cool! Sounds like a fabulous afternoon. How far are you from Bennington?

  2. P.S. Sharon! Take good care of yourself. We want you to return to us in one piece!

  3. This day was a life changing event. It was a beautiful day all around. I am on the mend but sitting around for another 2 weeks is going to be kinda difficult.

  4. Wait! I understand Sharon had pneumonia... but what happened to you, Terri? (Or is that Sharon using Terri's login?) Either way, sitting around for two weeks will be difficult. I hope it means we'll see lots more blog posts, though! :-)

  5. Sorry we share pictures for the blog and I forgot we used Terri's phone. This is Sharon.

  6. So sorry to hear Sharon got pneumonia!!! I hope that by now she is feeling better. Love to see you both, soon?!
