Sunday, September 1, 2013

A day on the farm



  It's been a while since I've written about work on the farm, mainly because I've been busy working. Friday started out very misty and overcast. What looks like a mountain in the distance is actually the compost pile!

  In between harvesting, the weather cleared up, and the goats, who had been out to pasture, began their daily escape from the electric fence. Bad goats! Here are two nice little brothers, who unfortunately are already being corrupted by Tanta.  (She likes to escape more than anything.) They follow her out into the big world and run around and get into trouble.

                                                                                                     After lunch we went to the high tunnel, which is a short drive away, harvested tomatoes and peppers, and then prepared two beds to plant kale. I found this toad in some weeds. I believe he's either thinking, Don't eat me, or Kiss me, I turn into a prince.                                -Farmer Terri

This is the farm seen from the field known as South America.

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