Monday, August 26, 2013

Who Dat Bear?

This black bear, name unknown, was found snacking on Lou and Tom's porch 
(our neighbors two doors down). He seems to like bird seed. Note the few kernels of seed which dot his smiling mouth! We think this is the same bear we saw running into the woods months ago. Isn't he impressive? 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mary Jean and Will got married!

Will and Mary Jean (my sister-in-law) and the wedding cake
This is the reception after the wedding on 8/17/13

Mary Jean and Terri before the wedding.

Terri and Anne

Will and my nephew (his son) Jude

The Solomon Girls.
Anne, Terri Mary Jean and Sr. Gianna

The goats

AAHH the new baby boys.

I think they are cuter than puppies.

The newest babies.

Sunflower plants

I have no idea how I did this with my phone, but isn't it cool!!!!

Goats to pasture first thing in the morning!

Terri and one of the older goats.

Terri helping the goats stay in line

Running of the goats out to pasture

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Kinchasa had her babies... Garlic.....and stuff

The trail just down the road from our house. Thanks to all the rain we had look at how green everything is.

Garlic hanging to dry out.

more garlic

A lot of garlic

snuggling brothers.

How cute are they?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ugliest shed contest

  Elizabeth is entering her farm shed in an "Ugliest Shed" Contest sponsored by the Jamaica Cottage Shop in Jamaica, VT. She braided Orion's beard and posed a chicken on the roof, for that authentic farm feel. What do you think? Is this shed ugly or what? Sharon's cleaning urges become overpowering when she approaches this structure, and she has to turn away. -Terri