Sunday, July 28, 2013

More goats and Vinnie

How cute am I? And boy am I hot.

Trail by our house

Falls by our house on Skitney Brook Road

Is this my good side?

Falls looking up 

Sunday at the farm

Umbale meditating

Friday, July 26, 2013

More life on the farm

Tanta eating left over grains


She's not attempting to get out, she had to be pulled out!

Baby goat.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Sharon? Are you listening?
No, what?
Left I said!
Oh, Ok (hee hee).
That is how our start of the canoe trip went. It became more enjoyable as we figured out what side  the paddles needed to be on so the canoe would go straight.

Vinnie on his maiden voyage.

Terri putting on her life vest

Mommy and Vinnie heading down the West River

Looking South toward the Marina, floating down the river

Vinnie getting his sea legs

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Hot and rainy and buggy

Now this is my kinda church!

Grady? what do you think of the heat? Graaddyy?

Sunset? what do you think of the heat?

What do you think of the rain? Hmmm, nothing?

Any comments on the heat? None? anything? 

Hey kid? what do you think of the heat? 

Check out the muscle on that arm! these were picked for tonights dinner. I helped.

This is Cub.

This is my wife who comes home this filthy every single day. But I still think she's cute.